Since the release of Dr. No in 1962, there have been twenty three films revolving around the fictional character of James Bond, a member of the British secret service with a license to kill- I mean, c'mon, you know the guy, right? There have been TWENTY THREE James Bond films. Christ, I just checked and there's a 24th coming out in October of 2015!
So here's a question that's been bandied about over the years: who was the best Bond? Well, that's something I'm about to explore in my upcoming blog series, which will essentially be an examination of the best six films of the six men who have played James Bond (and no, I'm not counting the David Niven Casino Royale) as well as a ranking system of the ones that didn't make the cut. Once we've reviewed all six films, we'll compare and contrast and have our winner.
So, stay tuned for our first entry! The Sean Connery era awaits!
Thank you for blogging about James since I clearly wasn't up to it ;-D