Villians: Always fucking their good plans up.
You ever notice that? They sit around in between the time when films or television shows come out (sometimes for two or three years) and come up with a master plan. One that took years of planning and organization to set up. And what do they do? They have the whole first part pretty much down, but at the last minute they start acting like a bunch of idiots. They lose their cool. They treat their employees like garbage, for no apparent reason other than the fact that they are villians. They start making speeches. Listen, villians: DO NOT make a speech about how powerful you are until AFTER the hero is dead and your plan has gone off without a hitch. Then you can hold a big villian banquet at a local hotel and invite your henchmen.
Here's the other thing: Let's say your plan fails, and you don't end up falling into a shredding machine, or off of a cliff while a flaming helicopter (ironically, its always your escape helicopter) plummets from above to crush you after you break every limb you have. Let's say your plan almost worked, but because someone wasn't tied up well enough, or because you had a traitor in your ranks, it failed. WHY do you never try the same plan twice? Except, the second time, work out the kinks. It would be brilliant, because the hero would think, "He's not really going to try it again, is he? That would be ludicrious."
If I was a villian (and of course, I'm not saying I'm not) and some suave hero killed my second in command and blew up my base, you know what step one of my next plan would be? The step we'd have to take before any other step could be made? That step would be to kill the hero. Does he live in a house? Blow it up. Does he like melon? Poison all melons. Does he go camping? Two words: Robotic Bears.
Anyhow, villians, clean up your act. And stop hiring creepy albinos. They're not really that tough.
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