Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Star Wars: Episode II - The Attack of the Clones . . . The Official Drinking Game Rules

The saga (of drinking) continues. There are fewer rules, but don't be fooled: Drinks lead to inebriation. Inebriation leads to hangovers. Hangovers . . . lead to suffering. May your liver and kidneys be with you.

DRINK . . .

- Whenever anything could be reasonably construed as a mystery.

- Whenever Padme changes into a new outfit.

- Whenever Obi-Wan delivers a snarky comeback.

- Whenever Anakin delivers a creepy/awkward pick-up line. This rule alone could get you pretty buzzed.

- Whenever anyone loses their lightsaber.

- Whenever someone loses a limb.

- Whenever someone (or something) literally loses their head.

- Whenever an alien's dialogue has to be subtitled.

- Whenever the word "clone" or "cloners" is used.

- Whenever a genuine father-son moment makes you wish this film was about the Fett family.

- Whenever there's a shock wave in space that sounds like someone grinding on an electric guitar.

- Whenever someone wishes they could wish away their feelings . . . but they can't.

- Whenever a giant monster with claws as long as your arm somehow manages to tear off the clothing covering a woman's midriff without eviscerating her.

- Whenever there's a truly godawful pun.

- Whenever you find yourself feeling nostalgic for Episode I.

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