Friday, October 14, 2011

Bold Deduction Never Fails, That's For Certain

So, have you ever noticed how many fictional serial killers seem to be hyper-literate, to the point that they all feel the need to base their murders on the works of Chaucer, Shelley, or Marcus Aurelius? Just once I'd like to see the following:

Captain - So, let's recap gentlemen. What have we got so far?

Detective 1 - The first victim was killed during a hurricane, the second during a drag race.

Detective 2 - And the third was found cut apart by an industrial laser . . .

Beat Cop (bursting in) - Captain! Captain! A body's been found on an abandoned airstrip off of route 57. We're not sure but it look like he was decapitated by a propeller.

Detective 1 - Oh my god. It's Duck Tales. He's copying the theme song to Duck Tales!

Captain - Officer! I want every squad car we've got to head out to Miller's Pond right now! Heaven help us, I think we might just have a duck blur on our hands . . .

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