Friday, October 15, 2010

Dave's Top Twenty Horror Films

I've been toying around with the idea of making a list of my favorite horror films for some time now, and seeing as this is October I thought that it might be as good of a time as any to start. I'll be watching these films as I post, and I welcome you to all come along for the ride. So, if you're game, go rent, buy, or borrow these films, make some popcorn, turn off the lights, and get ready to go to bed wondering if, in the middle of the night, a cold clammy hand is going to softly caress your foot while you are sleeping.

Before we launch into this, however, I'd like to note that while these are my favorite horror films, I do not think they are necessarily the most frightening ones out there. For instance, I'm leaving off titles like Takashi Miike's Audition or John McNaughton's Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, both of which were films that disturbed me greatly but also have enough flaws that I can't really consider them amongst my favorites.

Also, I'm only going to review films that came out within or prior to 2008, as I'm certain there are plenty of horror films that have come out in more recent years that I still haven't seen (I'm still very much looking forward to seeing Let the Right One In for instance.)

That said, enough preamble- let's get onto the list!

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