Dear Everyone I Know,
So, I normally find self promotion to be rather distasteful, but I suppose in a post with the title "Buy My Book", there's really no way around it . . .
Here's the scoop: Though it will probably be at least a month or two before my book is available through Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com, etc., it is- as of TODAY- currently available (with a 10% discount!) through Lulu.com, the company that is handling the print-on-demand aspect of its publication. To find it just go to Lulu.com and type my name (or the title, Reynard the Fox) into the search engine and voila!, that's my book!
If you plan on picking it up, I highly recommend buying it through Lulu.com- it’s not only cheaper, but I also get a significantly larger slice of the revenue from the sale when B&N / Amazon aren’t involved. Also, be aware that the .99 cent version is only a file download, which I get one solitary cent of, and aren’t books more fun to read when you can hold them in your hand and turn pages, right? Right?
I imagine that my book may not be to everyone’s taste (there's a brief synopsis on lulu.com if you are curious), but even if you have no interest in fencing, fighting, torture, monsters, chases, escapes, etc. I still ask that you think about picking a copy up. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised, and even if- heaven forbid- you never read a word of it you will have helped me immensely by adding to my sales numbers. And, hey, you can always set it on your coffee table and smugly tell your friends that you know a published author . . .
One final request: if you do read and enjoy my book, please please please recommend it to other people. I can (and will) go to countless signings to help promote it, but ultimately word of mouth is the best way for this thing to get noticed. I’d love to get picked up by a larger imprint, but that’s not going to happen unless people I don't even know start buying it. So if you like it, please let someone else know!
Hope you enjoy it!